Saturday, February 20, 2016

5th Watch (2/20/16)

Here is the transcript for the fifth session of Stealers of Dawn Online, which we played on Roll20.

PC: Nahar
Experience rewarded: 350
Inspiration rewarded: 1
Renown: Ten-Tribes (1 pt)


Janilla (human female): An attractive, ginger haired hillwoman, wearing leopard skins and leather pants, with broken sandals. She follows Nahar and Jakk into Flackard's Foundry, eventually approaching the duo once they've cleared the place of its dangers. She hails from a small family who lived in the Howling Tors, and has been there since she was a very young girl, knowing little anymore about the Ten-Tribes. Nahar and Jakk guide her back to the Court-of-Crows.

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