Hathun, First-Week, Tenth-Day, the Now Year
Nexa reunites with her handsome twin brother, who seems to smell of various fruits to various observers and has a strange charm about him. He is ecstatic to see her again. Meanwhile, the PCs encounter a group of bullwugs that seek refuge in the wetlands, and have scoped out this specific underground area. After a brief, friendly communication, the PCs welcome the frog-folk to stay, as they will be taking off in the morning.
Hathun, Second-Week, First-Day, the Now Year
The PCs depart back to The Nest, at which point Barnowl and Nahar decide to split from the group, and head off to Briar's Edge to warn Eagle Klah, a Ten-Tribes chieftain they believe can help quickly communicate the warning of the ogres' battle plans to the remaining Tribes. The others go to speak with WaxMeister Sprue, who helps them translate what knowledge he can of the note they found in the ogres' hideout. They also convince him to lend them his golden sword, which they discover can glow in the presence of other gold, and is a handy magical weapon. There is then some discussion about where to turn next, and they decide to march south to the Place-of-Scales, which was also on one of the ogres' routes, and warn the dragonborn of their immediate danger. They travel through the day and on into the night, with only minor encounters, and then decide to rest a few miles north of the dragonborn village.
Hathun, Second-Week, Second-Day, the Now Year
As they approach the Place-of-Scales from the north, they discover it to be empty, a few sets of bones the only remnants of its dragonborn citizenry. They search pretty thoroughly through the caves, to find that all but the most valuable items have been left behind. One of the local caves on the south side of the Whipwater is not empty, and the PCs encounter the merchant Tyvim Jaava, who they believe to also be a former adventurer of some note. Vraal almost convinces the older man to join up with their group, and he will be compensated with anything valuable they find, but Yukkbutt ruins that opportunity by playing a prank on the merchant, who becomes quite offended. At any rate, he tells the party that Pergeron and his flunkies have spurred on a great exodus of the dragonborn to the Ayrie of the Ancients where they are to meet with other dragon cultists and be assimilated into their birthright...
Due to their previous run-ins with Pergeron, and SlakeThirt's stakes in the situation, the PCs decide they will in fact follow this exodus, stopping off briefly at the now-trampled little refugee camp where they first met Borracho and others. They press on, making the lengthy journey to the west, skirting the edge of the Plateau. En route, they encounter a mysterious, extravagant woman who is talking to and feeding birds off the cliff's edge. Through magical means, Cynjak divines that she is some sort of celestial, so they approach her with caution, but sparks nearly fly when she insults the green dragonborn and irks SlakeThirst, who is ready to attack her. The woman transforms into a flying rainbow serpent and then flies off! The party continues to make camp.
Hathun, Second-Week, Third-Day, the Now Year
As they press further towards the Ayrie, the PCs uncover a scene where some large wooden carts and oxen have been crushed and slaughtered by something monstrous. They find footprints that are far too large for the dragonborn they are tracking, and in fact there seem to be dragonbon tracks making a wide path around the site to avoid whatever happened there. They continue, ever closer to the foothills of the Ayrie, when they come across several massive wooden cages which appear to have large rings atop them that can be grasped. SlakeThirst surmises that, with draconic help, Pergeron's refugees were lifted up the mountain to a monastery that the rainbow serpent had hinted at. It would be far too dangerous for the dragonborn to attempt to fly up there, lifting the other PCs, so they look about for another means they might access the heights of the Ayrie...and standing, looming before them is a cavern entrance to the City of the Carvers...a ruin beneath the mountains, from which few who have set foot have ever returned.
PCs: Borracho, Cynjak, Kymyl, Nexa, SlakeThirst, Un'Krug, Vraal, Yukkbutt
XP rewarded: 2050
Inspiration rewarded: None
Renown: None