The PCs descend from the Ayrie of the Ancients with their strange prisoner, and arrive at the fog shrouded village of Misthome, built upon another Carver rune. The construction here is far more modern and sturdy than most of the Ten-Tribes, and they note the populace is heavily balanced between dwarves, humans, gnomes and others. A dwarf mountaineer named Murv is serving as a sentinel when they arrive, and gives them some pointers on where to go to seek their information. After meeting back up with Mamma Boe, the PCs split up to visit the Ayrieside Reliquary and Wyrmshade's Wonders. At the Reliquary they receive some information from Old Dwolv about the Carver civilizations, and he tips them off that they should visit the Blue Lantern Society with their captive charge. Meanwhile, Wyrmshade identifies several of the magical items they've accrued, and makes a trade with them to do more in the future. Flearikz offends him by asking that he evaluate a pair of dragonskin boots, and then when the dragonborn refuses, tries to bargain with him by putting on a play about his life...which the wood elf knows nothing about!
The two groups of PCs converge upon the Blue Lantern Society where they meet with High Hood Lavener, the leader of the organization. He is shocked by their discovery of the strange captive, and tells them that he himself has found the corpse of a similar being, along with one of the weird, illuminated metallic altars. He also knows that there has been a comparable sighting near the Isle-of-Idylls, off the banks of the Moonmirror. They decide its safest to keep the captive at the Society while they get more information around the town. Mamma Boe enlists her posse of Flearikz, Greech and Za'ku to scope out the Sisters of the Mist for the cooking guild from which she was expelled due to her peculiar habits. They find a group of six elderly local women knitting at one of the twin taverns, and then Boe confronts them, casting a grease spell which ruins the newly-dubbed knitting guilds projects for the day. A 'melee' ensues, a rather sad one, before it is broken up by Mother Henn, the Elder of Misthome, who settles both parties down. Despite the deadly brawl, one of the old spinners is infatuated by Flearikz the elf after he orates from the top of the bar.

Later that evening, Flearikz holds his mock-tribute to Wyrmshade, who is not impressed, and almost gets into a battle with the elf. The old woman infatuated with Flearikz does, however, invite him back to her domicile for the night...
Hathun, Second-Week, Eighth-Day, The Now-Year
Once the characters have finished their dealings with Wyrmshade and gathered up other supplies, they decide to leave Chief Wralasar behind for the time being, and take Lavener with them to get to the bottom of the mysteries by speaking with Farstriker Ferrikan at the Isle-of-Idylls. Travel there is relatively uneventful, and they arrive that night, using mirrors and flame to summon up a lake guard, thanks to Kymyl and Flearikz' knowledge. The guard arrives, and despite Yukkbutt trying to destroy the parley by cannonballing the guard's canoe, he agrees to send a party with Ferrikan out to meet them in the morning.
Hathun, Second-Week, Ninth-Day, The Now-Year
The PCs meet the elderly, wizened Farstrider by the morning light, accompanied by a sizable retinue of her elven guards. They speak to her of the ogre menace, which she already knows about, and then about the strange altars and their captive. She tells them of her distant past, but when questioned, says she was far too young to know what had caused the great cataclysms that caused the people of neighboring lands to migrate to the Cleft Plateau. She does know there were rays from the sky that destroyed her village, but does not seem familiar with the captive creature. However, she draws a map of the region, connecting the sightings the PCs have come across, with Lavener's finding, and the rumored grotto near the Moonmirror, and discovers they form a square or diamond shape...the PCs decide to investigate further, taking Lavener along to this grotto.
PCs: Borracho, Flearikz, Greech, Kymyl, Mamma Boe, Slakethirst, Vraal, Yukkbutt, Za'ku
XP Rewarded: 2800
Inspiration: ---
Renown: ---
High Hood Lavener (gnome male): Adorned in a cloak and gem-studded leather armor, all died in a rich blue, Lavener strikes a fashionable figure by any measure on the Cleft Plateau. Atop his oiled, salt & pepper hair he wears a tricorn hat upon which a blue lantern clasp rests, and his kind eyes seem to contain an unshakeable curiosity at whomever and whatever they cross. He leans upon a sheathed sword as tall as he is, and over his shoulder is strung a fancy bone crossbow and a fine polished wooden bolt-case.
Mother Henn (dwarf female): As broad and square shouldered as any of her male kin, Henn is a
gracefully aging dwarven matron who views you with a coyle, wide smile beneath
deepset brown eyes. Her chestnut and silver hair is tied off into two thick
braids which flank her jaw, and she wears robes of a deep green, her fingers
bejeweled by bone and jewels, and she shuffles about on a walking frame of
dark, lacquered wood with leather embroidery.
Murv Ruckspike (dwarf male): Black, shaggy hair awkwardly hangs over a furrowed, friendly face.
Darting brown eyes, set wickedly within their sockets, watch enthusiastically
over the village they've grown affectionate toward for so long. An old tattoo
of a small eagle is subtly placed on the left side of his neck, and he wears
heavily padded clothing, a coil of rope, and a pair of leather satchels which
burst with tools.
Old Dwolv (human
male): A crooked, elderly man with greasy
gray hair, Dwolv’s neck is constantly hanging to the left, while a stump of
some sort lies atop his shoulder on the right side. His face contorts into a
painful looking grimace as he speaks. He wears a thick leather apron and gloves
to cover his twisted wrists, while a stone short sword is never far from his
Wyrmshade (dragonborn
male): This olive-scaled, lithe
dragonborn male wears a bone vest of fashioned links which is lined with hide
pockets, fine tools and picks of stone, wood, and bone. He has a narrow face
with several teeth broken from the left side of his mouth. He has a glass lens
framed in wood above his right eye, and seems to constantly twitch and lap at
drool running from the sides of his mouth.