Tarok, Second-Week, Fourth-day, the Now-Year
In order to examine the hidden boats on the shore of the Bone Lake, Kaarl transforms into a rat while the rest of the PCs hang out inconspicuously. While fishing, SlakeThirst dregs up a bloated human torso, and at that, the horns sound off from the Dregroot sentries. Huntress Byle emerges to confront the dragonborn about his catch, and doesn't seem to recognize Cynjak. The PCs decide to inquire with her about Toli Bulberry and his party, but she thinks they must be with Zlazash and that the Wives must stay out of their business. She urges the group to go back inside the village and stop acting suspiciously. They do so, first plodding through the Dreg Market in the belowground ditch. There they meet Tigg the Tavern Man, who offers them some cups and appetizers, though K'gug manages to offend him greatly.
Tigg does tell them to track down Dobbil the gnome, who peddles both information and relics from the Old Briarwood. They approach his overstuffed baubles shop, and are met by a personal henchmen named 'Prince Slagmoor', who vets them before allowing them in to speak with his employer. After trading the gnome a magic scythe they found, he reveals a connection between Toli and an exiled Wife named Skrii'la, who supposedly lives out in the wilds. As a bonus, Dobbil even offers the PCs his henchman, but
that may also be to keep an eye out on their exploits. They decide to make
haste to find this witch Skrii’la, but night is falling, so Slagmoor leads them
to a relatively sheltered campsite. There, they come across an odd armored
fellow who does not have some kind words for them. They move along to another
spot and set watches, which are uneventful save for a strange trail of spines
or thorns that appears as a path through the campsite by the following morning.
Tarok, Second-Week, Fifth-day, the Now-Year
Kaarl tracks the trail of spines to a thorny bush where
it simply ends. The group moves on through the Old Briarwood, alert for
dangers, Slagmoor checking landmarks, and eventually comes to their goal, a
tree fort with several layers placed at the 40’ level and above on a massive
dark pine. Nobro and Kaarl scope out the situation, and discover that one of
the lower terraced levels is heavily guarded by strange face-painted goblins
and their mosquito-like avian pets. SlakeThirst tries to distract the sentries by communicating in Common (which they understand) and firing off eldritch blasts at the terraces. After a long, painful process of climbing
the tree and securing harnesses for the PCs that follow them, the barbarian
brothers and Nobro swing over and confront the goblins directly, with support
from Kaarl who has snuck into the building through a latrine chute and explored
a few of the lower levels chambers already.

The battle is fairly heated, since the pesty bird-things
can latch onto their enemies and draw blood, while the goblins are proving more
competent fighters than might have been expected. The other PCs who climbed in the barbarians’
wake are finally getting caught up, but will it be too late?
PCs: Cynjak, Kaarl, K'gug, Nobro, Slagmoor, Slakethirst, Un'Krug, Yukkbutt
XP rewarded: 450 each
Inpiration rewarded:
Renown: --
Diedeath the Mad (??? male):
figure beneath this walking suit of wooden-plated, spiked and thorny armor
seems rather slender, but that’s about all you can tell about it besides the
one bulging, bloodshot eye that peers at you from the left side of its wooden
helmet which has been carved to resemble some dragon’s jaw. It has a bastard
sword slung across its back, but wrapped up in a fur, and an additional bone
battle axe in its wooden gauntleted fists. He seems to have a strange obsessive
compulsion where walks in murmured, counted steps, and occasionally stops to
wipe himself off frantically of something that isn’t there…
Dobbil (gnome male):
decrepit gnome of bent stature, whose nose is so bulbous and twisted that you
can barely make out his right eye. Dobbil’s cheeks and chin bristle with gray
and brown hairs, and his head is completely bald with the exception of a few
stray copses of greased hair. In a stark contrast, his blue and violet robes
and breeches are amongst the fanciest finery you’ve seen in all the Cleft
Plateau, lined with fluffy white fur, and his fingers are aglitter with bone
rings of varied gems dug from the Slipstones.
Huntress Byle (human female): Having
carved off her own breasts as a sign of both devotion to Duthar and proof
against weakness, this swarthy, six foot tall woman’s chest is heavily scarred
where you can spot her flesh protruding from patches of oiled, thick leather
armor. Her hair is likewise oiled back in a thick, dark braid, the sides of her
head shaven, and her eyes mismatched in color and penetrating. Each side of her
scalp is tattooed with a ring of spears pointed inwards at a drop of blood. Her
chin and right shoulder appear to have been broken on several occasions, and
over her left is slung a great hornbow fit for an ogre. Several hand axes are
slung around her ample waistline.
Tigg the Tavern Man (human male): A scrawny man covered in harnesses that holster
small casks and boxes of wine and finger foods. He wears a silly looking
leather cap with flaps that hang over his ears, and a small wooden placard
attached to the forehead into which is carved the symbol of a flagon. Most of
his teeth are missing from where ‘clients’ beat him up for his wares, but he’s
learned from his mistakes and now carries a small hand club on his waist, if he
can manage to reach it…